Casual Tees for Spring!

First of all, I'd like to make an important announcement (which is so important we decided to reiterate it on our side bar!). As most of you know by now, since forever, we've been blogging from mon-saturday every week (give or take a few hours). But because of upcoming finals and all (HG is having her end of year finals, one of those UK uni ones where they accumulate everything they've taught in the last year into one big exam at the end- *shiver* I'm so glad I follow the US system) our blogging schedule is going to be temporarily changed to tue/thu/sat until the week of June 11th 2007, with a few extra blogs thrown in should time allow. After that, we promise we will be back on schedule with even more of our rantings and observations on fashion and life in general!

So anyways, back onto today's topic. Now that spring has finally arrived, I was digging through my spring/summer wardrobe I have here in Chicago and realised that I had a serious lack in casual tees. Especially those that didn't have "Abercrombie" emblazoned all over it. Now here is one of those times when I ask myself- WHAT was I thinking?

Why, from the whole A&F store, did I not choose something more discreet and versatile like this tank and this henley?
Or even better some pretty tops that don't say Abercrombie at all, but are just casual and cute. If only I can get my money back on those tees and get these instead.
I really can do with more simple but pretty tops this spring/summer, like these two from Express. I was looking for a top to go with my summer skirts this weekend, and these two with their neutral colors and simple but girly designs would've been perfect!
A pretty laced tank with contrasting colors, such as this one (left) from American Eagle would be great too- oh wait, I already have something very similar from Coco and Mimi last year and I wear it all the time. LOL. Or you can go just go with a simple plain tank, like this one from J Crew (right). To make it fun, try layering tanks of fun, bright, summery, neon colors with more neutral colored tanks.

With everything going loose these days, a simple loosely fitted tee, like this one (left) from American Eagle may be all you need. For a bit more style and fit, try this empire waist tee with flirty sleeves from Forever 21(right).

More loosely fitted bubbly tees from FCUK (left) and Urban Outfitters (right). I am LOVING the look of the FCUK one. Oh and these simple scooped neck tees would be the perfect complement to wear those funky loud necklaces HG was talking about the other day.
And just to conclude, we have these classic graphic tees, which I am absolutely LOVING from J Crew. They are cute with graphics on them in such a way that are not overly loud or obscene. You can wear by itself or with a fun jacket/skirt and not have to worry about patterns clashing and such.

I definitely need to go shopping this weekend to check all these out for real!

Vogue шилдгvvдийг нэрлэж байна

Vogue сэтгүүл 2007 оны 5 сарын дугаартаа өнөө үеийн дүр төрх болсон шилдэг 10 моделыг нэрлэсэн байна. Ингээд тэднийг танилцуулья.

Жэссика Стам. 21 настай. Канад улсаас гаралтай. 7 хүүхэдтэй айлын ганц охин. Аав нь фермер. Тэрбээр модел болохоосоо өмнө математикийн хичээлийн гэрийн багш хийдэг байжээ.

Каролин Трэнтини. 19 настай. Бразилаас гаралтай. 16 настайдаа ээж эгч хоёртойгоо гудамжинд явж байхад нь Загварын агентлаг санал тавьснаар загварын моделын гараагаа эхэлжээ. Стелла Маккартни, Клоэ, Марни зэрэг брэндүүдэд дуртай. Дэлхий даяар аялдаг ч гэрийнхэнтэйгээ ойр байхын тулд Бразилд байр авчээ.

Дубтзин Кроэс. 22 настай. Голланд улсаас гаралтай. Өөрөө Амстердам дахь модел агентлагт зургаа явуулснаас хойш хэдхэн сарын дараа Vogue сэтгүүлд зургаа авахуулж байжээ. Саяхнаас гоо сайхны Лореал фирмтэй сурталчилгааны гэрээ хийсэн юм.

Саша Пиварова. 22 настай. Москва хотоос гаралтай. Уран зургийн түүх гэсэн мэргэжлээр сурч байгаад Prada фирмийн рекламанд зургаа авахуулж модел болох гараагаа эхэлсэн юм. Гэртээ зураг зурж суух дуртай. Парист гарсан нэгэн үзэсгэлэнд түүний нэг зураг тавигдсан байна. Одоогоор Толстойн "Дайн ба Энх" зохиолыг дахин уншиж байгаа. Түүнээс "Чи Супермодел болмоор байна уу" гэж асуухад англиар нилээн орос аялгатайгаар "Манай оронд Зөвхөн муу цэрэг л генерал болохыг хүсдэггүй" гэдэг зүйр үг байдаг юмдаа" гэж хариулж байжээ.

Коко Роча. 18 настай. Канад улсаас гаралтай. 11 жил бүжгээр хичээллэсэн. Ээж аав нь хоёулаа онгоцны компанид ажилладаг. Коког 14 настайд нь бүжгийн тэмцээний үеэр олж харсан агент загвар өмсөх санал тавьжээ. Тэрээр эхлээд татгалзсан боловч агент залуу тэмцээн болгоны үеэр ирж шалаад байсан тул болиулахын тулд "За яахав, тэгье" гэсэн хариу өгчээ. Ингээд удалгүй "Элит" модел агентлагт орж Vogue сэтгүүлд зургаа авахуулжээ. Тэрээр 2007 оны 2 сард Парист болсон Жон Поль Голчерийн шоуны үеэр дээр дээр үсрэн бүжиглэнгээ загвар үзүүлсэн нь олны анхаарлыг татаж Парис даяар энэ тухай шуугьсан байна. Тэрээр "Би загвар өмсөгч болоогүй бол бүжгийн багш болох байсан. Гэхдээ одоо бол би мэргэжилдээ юунаас ч илүү хайртай" гэжээ.

Лили Доналдсон. 20 настай. Английн Лондон хотоос гаралтай. Дизайнеруудаас "Шанель"-н Карл Лагерфелд, "Ланван"-ны Албэр Элбаз, "Луй Виттон"-ны Марк Жакобсыг хүндэтгэдэг. Чөлөөт цагаараа урьд нь хийж үзээгүй шинэ сонин зүйл туршихыг хүсдэг.

Ракүэл Зиммерман. 24 настай. Бразилаас гаралтай. 7 жил загвар өмсч байгаа. Маш цөөн хүн түүнийг дуулах авьяастайг мэднэ. Альтернатив рок, аялал жуулчлал, Earl Jean брендийн жинсгүйгээр амьдарч чадахгүй гэдгээ сэтүүлийн ярилцлагандаа онцолж байсан.

Агинес Дэен. 21 настай. Англиас гаралтай. Өөрийн панк рок стилийн өвөрмөц хувцаслалт, богино үсээрээ эрс ялгарч гарч ирсэн. Түүний үсний засалт хүүхнүүдийн дунд шуугиан тарьж бүгд л дуурайн үсээ богиносгох болсон юм.

Хилари Рода. 20 настай. АНУ-ын Мэрилэнд хотоос гаралтай. 2006 оноос загвар өмссөн. Классик америк дүр төрх гэгдэж буй. Тэрээр "Би эмэгтэйлэг байхыг хүсдэг. Тиймээс онгоцоор нисэхдээ ч биеийн тамирын өмд биш даашинз өмсдөг" гэжээ.

Шанель Иман. 16 настай. АНУ-ын Лос Анжелес хотоос гаралтай. Солонгосын хольцтой ээж нь фэйшнд маш их сонирхолтойгоосоо үүдэн түүнд алдарт дизайнер Шанелийн нэрийг өгчээ. Мөн түүний овог болох Иман нь 1990-д оны топ модел Иманы нэр юм. Шанель хэлэхдээ "Би анхнаасаа л модел болох хувь заяатай байсан гэж боддог. Хэдийгээр хүмүүс миний нэрийг жинхэнэ гэдэгт итгэдэггүй ч гэсэн" гэжээ.

Хэдийгээр энэ жагсаалтанд багтаагүй ч загварын ертөнцөд дээгүүр байр суурийг эзлэж буй моделуудын тухай дараагийн удаа танилцуулах болно.

Саарал - Gray

Энэ жилийн намрын загварт бараг бүх дизайнерууд саарал өнгийг түлхүү ашигласан байна. Саарал өнгө нь тод өнгө шиг шууд анхаарал татахгүй ч ямар ч үед ухаалаг, намбатай харагдуулдаг онцлогтой.

Visa card Downtown реслам

Visa International-ийн Life Takes Visa уриан дор хийгдэж телевизээр цацагдаж буй шинэхэн рекламыг танд хүргэе. Энэхүү рекламанд гардаг улаан лакан туфль ямар брендийнх болон хаанаас олж авах боломжтой эсэх талаар хүүхнүүд шуугилдаж байна. Та мэдвэл хуваалцаарай.

Body Worlds II

So this week, I finally went to see The Body Worlds II. I've been meaning to see it since January, but it has taken the fact that the exhibit was ending (THIS WEEKEND!) in Chicago to get me to finally book the tickets and go. And to think, its not even that far from where I live, seriously. Anyways, we booked tickets to see the Human Body imax and the exhibition because we thought it was all together. Not so. While the imax wasn't too bad, it wasn't quite what we were expecting- a detailed video of how they plastinate people. It was a video of how the human body works and it was cool in that they actually showed real videos of how a foetus is developed inside it's mother and how food is churned in the stomach and gall bladder splurts out bile in the small intestines. I've learnt in theory all these things, butI've never actually seen it happen. Oh and did you know that our hands were oringally a big blob of cells and the shape was formed as the cells degenerate? Sigh, I wish the cells at the tip of my fingers would've stayed, I'd have liked longer and leaner finger. But yeah, not exactly what we were hyping up for.

Anyway, the actual exhibit was quite fascinating. The bones, the brains, the real organs, the giant camel, the floating nerves and of course- the actual bodies. It was amazing the way they were preserved. You can even see the eyes and the eye lashes! Oh and there were interesting historical displays hanging around too. Like how Da Vinci used to dig up bodies in grave yards and dissected them to get a better sense of the body. And how Frogandard was quite the anatomist himself- and who knew from his gorgeous paintings?
My only slight concern with the exhibit was the artistic displays of the human body, which seemed kind of unneccesary. Its hard to remember sometimes that these were actually human beings. Especially when one see's displays like the drawer man, where chunks were cut and pulled out of the body like drawers and the spiral man, whose body was cut out like spirals. And the ballerina, football and yoga positions. . . I know it says its to show the muscles of the human body in action, but it felt more like they were placed like that for a better display. I'm aware that if they didn't do things like these, I probably wouldn't have found the exhibit quite as fascinating, but then this other part of me remembers that these are real. . . . .
And lastly, here is what your lungs look like if you smoke.

Overall, it was a great experience. The human body is truly amazing. If you haven't already, check out if they're coming to your area next on their site!

Devil wears Prada

Lauren Weisberger-ийн 2003 онд бичигдсэн зохиолыг кино болгон өргөн барьсан 20th Century Fox филмсийн The Devil Wears Prada /Прада өмссөн чөтгөр/ кино нь фэйшн сонирхдог дэлхийн бүх хүүхнүүдийн үзэх дуртай кино болж чадсан юм.

Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway нар гол дүрүүдэд нь тоглосон бөгөөд эхнээсээ төгсгөл хүртлээ фэйшний ертөнцөд таныг умбуулах болно.

2006 оны Оксарын шагнал гардуулах /Academy award/ ёслолын ажиллагаанд нэр дэвшин өрсөлдсөн нь тухайн киноны чансааг тодорхойлж өгч буй хэрэг. Таны заавал үзэх ёстой фэйшн кино гэдгийг анхаараарай.

Oversized Clutches

On a recent shopping spree, I was bored, waiting outside the changing room, and I started picking up the bags around. After a few bags, I picked up this large Marni clutch, looked into the mirror and got that feeling -that unexpected, novel feeling. After carrying large handbags during daytime for so long, it was SO refreshing to carry this clutch.

OK, so oversized clutches might not be a trend this season, and carrying a bag without the strap is certainly annoying. But it's such a nice feeling to carry a bag with only the things you actually need, instead of the ten million random, useless things you probably have in your bag. Ever since that moment of holding the Marni clutch, I've started to take notice of oversized clutches around me. Zara this season, has very Marni-sh oversized clutches. And I love Ashley's large, red Bottega Veneta one -it's just the right size and adds a touch of colour to her outfit.
J Crew has some classic summer ones, such as this straw clutch.

Here is a canvas one by J Crew that is less beachy.

While the L.A.M.B. Catania clutch isn't 100% my style, but it is very cool.

For something really simple and affordable, these are from Top Shop.

These two are right on trend: (Left) Black patent clutch by Goldenbleu; (Right) Metallic clutch by Lauren Mirkin -great for night time. Both are available at shopbop.

Lastly, one of my favourite ones -the Balenciaga Giant Traveller. It's way out of my budget for a clutch but I'll just continue fantasizing about it.

OK, so I'm probably not going to buy a daytime, oversized clutch anytime soon (unless I happen to see an affordable one,) but it's such a nice alternative to the heavy, huge bags we've been lugging around recently!

Photo credits: Linked above.